Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division

Department of Civil and Environmental Division


- acquiring deep knowledge and skills to create a regional society where coexistence and harmony with the natural environment are possible, and where safety, security, and sustainable development are achievable even in the face of disasters.

- cultivating professionals who can contribute to a wide range of fields, from community-based urban development to the conservation of the global environment, and who can advance the formation of safe and secure social environments and local communities.

- fostering highly specialized professionals with the ability to solve problems as a team, to grasp issues from a comprehensive perspective, to logically explain concepts, to engage in debates, and to possess a strong sense of ethics.


Laboratory Steel Structures, Concrete Structures, Steel-concrete Composite Structures
Faculty members Assitant Professor BANNO Yuki
Specially-appointed Professor UCHIDA Yuichi
Research details Our laboratory educates and researches steel structures, concrete structures, and steel-concrete composite structures. We are conducting research on the following various topics related to these structures:(1) elucidating mechanical phenomena, (2) enhancing strength, (3) extending service life, (4) improving construction efficiency, (5) improving seismic resistance, (6) improving corrosion resistance, (7) utilizing and developing new materials, and (8) sophisticating design methods.
Laboratory Bridge Engineering
Faculty members Professor MURAKAMI Shigeyuki
Research details For all types of bridges, including those constructed historically and modern structures, our laboratory conducts research to develop sustainable social infrastructures, including both basic research of mechanical properties such as load capacity and dynamic behavior during an earthquake among other characteristics, as well as applied research of maintenance and management methods, by utilizing information technology and developing technologies to diagnose structural soundness.
Laboratory Earthquake Engineering
Faculty members Professor NOJIMA Nobuoto
Associate Professor KUSE Masumitsu
Research details Our laboratory conducts extensive and comprehensive research of the prevention and mitigation of earthquake disasters that requires utilizing interdisciplinary academic knowledge and techniques, for example: assessments of earthquake hazards and risks; predictions of earthquake tremors and damage; assessments of the influence on social functions and long-term impacts such as restoration.
Laboratory Disaster Resilience Co-creation
Faculty members Associate Professor KOYAMA Maki
Research details Natural disasters are caused by events such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and landslides impacting human society. Japan is situated on a plate boundary and is located in an area susceptible to rainfall from typhoons and frontal systems, making it prone to natural disaster-causing events. On the other hand, the complexities of social vulnerabilities are increasing due to factors such as a declining birthrate, an aging population, diversity, and globalization, necessitating the involvement of diverse stakeholders in problem-solving. Our laboratory conducts research aimed at solving real-world issues related to natural disasters from this perspective
Laboratory Environmental Hydrology
Faculty members Professor SHINODA Seirou
Assistant Professor YOSHIMURA Hideto
Research details Our laboratory purposes to suggest specific strategies to improve complicated environmental and social systems that involve human activity and the natural environment on the scale of river basins serving as the basis for water sources and for the transport of materials. In particular, we evaluate the impacts of human activity and climate change on water and material transfers through field observations, GIS (Geographic Information System), numerical simulations, and other methods. Moreover, we study policies to effectively and economically control those impacts, and measures to harmonize human culture with the climate.
Laboratory River-Hydrology
Faculty members Associate Professor KOJIMA Toshiharu
Research details The Academic discipline for all water movement on the earth is called hydrology. As narrower sense, the study for terrestrial water, for rivers and for forest water are respectively called limnology, potamology and forest hydrology. We focus on river science, river hydrology and forest hydrology field, and solve problems caused by the movement of water, sediment and materials. Our research activities are observation/surveying and computer simulation. In recent years, heavy rain disasters due to global warming have frequently occurred and the role of disaster prevention has become more important than before.
Laboratory Basin Hydrology Dynamics
Faculty members Professor TAMAGAWA Ichiro
Associate Professor HARADA Morihiro
Research details We promote research to clarify phenomena and practical use applications targeting watersheds that extend from a mountainous region to its river estuaries, from the actual dynamics of water and related characteristics of precipitation and evaporation to the flows of a river, based on both hydrometeorology (Professor Tamagawa) and river engineering (Associate Professor Harada).
Laboratory Geotechnical and Groundwater Engineering
Faculty members Professor KAMIYA Kohji
Associate Professor KOJIMA Yuki
Research details We study fluid (water and air), heat, and solutes transfer and behavior in both saturated and unsaturated soil based on soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering, and soil physics. Our research themes include i) technologies to increase the safety of river dikes during floods, ii) proper management of groundwater resources to prevent disasters associated with groundwater such as land subsidence, iii) developing sensors to quantify various soil properties and processes; and iv) remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated by oils, heavy metals, and others.
Laboratory Geotechnical Engineering and Earth Sciences
Faculty members Professor SAWADA Kazuhide
Professor OHTANI Tomoyuki
Associate Professor YOSHIKAWA Takahiro
Research details We are conducting research to protect people's lives and properties from frequent geo-disasters and support a safe living environment. Collecting soil samples from the sites, conducting careful laboratory experiments, and performing advanced numerical simulations for disaster prevention planning and geo-structure design are carried out. We also measure various physical phenomena in the field using originally developed equipment.
From the viewpoint of geological studies, we conduct research on the assessment of shallow geothermal resources, characteristics of shallow active fault zones, and method to identify active faults from fault rocks through the field survey, measurements, laboratory instrumental analyses and experiments.
Laboratory Mobility Analytics
Faculty members Professor KURAUCHI Fumitaka
Associate Professor NAKAMURA Toshiyuki
Specially-appointed Professor MIYAGI Toshihiko
Research details Our laboratory educates and conducts research of designing and evaluating mobility services to ensure social sustainability. Particularly we are developing analytical methods of utilising transport big data such as ETC, floating car data, mobile phone/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi sensing data and smartcard data. We aim to contribute for constructing disaster-resilient transport networks, efficient and sustainable public transportation networks for the widespread use of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) and transportation management policies for the efficient use of road networks.
Laboratory Management of Regions
Faculty members Professor TAKAGI Akiyoshi
Research details With the goal of "creating a society in which everyone can independently work together and live happily," our laboratory conducts research into a wide variety of social infrastructures that support local societies ranging from "hard to soft," or in other words, from the infrastructure to human networks. Our focus is on the realization of disaster-resilient communities and an environmentally friendly society for regional revitalization. In particular, we delve into the economic evaluation of externalities such as safety, comfortability and convenience, and into policy designs based on these evaluations. We also explore the internalization of subordinated social needs into economic systems, that is, incorporating social needs into public policy and businesses, and the mechanisms of regional collaboration.
Laboratory Humanized landscapes
Faculty members Professor DEMURA Yoshifumi
Research details To realize sustainable and prosperous human activities within cities and local communities, our laboratory explores policies for planning and designing cities and regions from a comprehensive perspective, including the history and culture. For this purpose, we research the history of urban and regional formation, and also the human connections (social capital) that serve as the foundation of well developed society. On the other hand, we practice to design actual places as a process for better urban environment. We have also established the "Mitonomachi Lab" as a base in the Gifu urban area.
Laboratory Maintenance Engineering
Faculty members Professor KOBAYASHI Koichi
Research details Our laboratory aims to improve the durability performance of steel-reinforced concrete structures, for example: by elucidating deterioration mechanisms such as chloride attack, alkali-aggregate reactions, and frost attack; evaluating the residual performance of existing concrete structures; and developing repair or strengthen methods, including the innovation of new materials.
Laboratory Advanced Construction Materials and Structures
Faculty members Professor KUNIEDA Minoru
Research details Our laboratory aims to develop and assess advanced construction materials and structures used to build and maintain infrastructures that contribute to a sustainable development for a society. Researches on high performance concrete, high performance repair/strengthening materials, monitoring technique for concrete structures, and assessment of durability of concrete structures are conducted.
Laboratory Water Quality Safety
Faculty members Professor LI Fusheng
Associate Professor HIROOKA Kayako
Associate Professor SUZUKI Yuji
Research details With the aims to secure the safety of water quality, to improve the comfort of the living environment and to conserve the water environment, our laboratory is conducting a wide range of research in water/wastewater engineering and water quality science, including topics for (1) understanding water qualities and their behaviors in rivers and lakes; (2) developing advanced physicochemical and biological water/wastewater control and treatment technologies; (3) recovering resources/energy from waste and wastewater. Furthermore, we also conduct research on restoration technologies and countermeasures to address emerging water and soil pollution problems, such as those in developing countries, caused by heavy metals, micropollutants and so on.